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“Figuring Out Who You Are”
This video features a scenario of a young person figuring out who they are in terms of style, clothes and crushes. It emphasizes being yourself rather than trying to be someone else.

“Puberty and Finding Out Who You Are”
This video emphasizes that it is normal to try on different identities to figure out who you are. It also defines mood swings and what causes them, as well as developing sexual feelings and independence from your parents.

“Why Don’t I Like the Way I Look?”
This video defines body image and gives an overview of changing body standards and media representation of certain bodies. It mentions that boys can feel self-conscious about body image too, and lists a variety of factors that can influence your body image.

“Awkward Conversations”
This video acknowledges the awkwardness and excitement of learning about changing bodies, sexuality, gender, and reproductive organs. It encourages learning on your own with friends as well as with a parent/caregiver or trusted adult and cautions against relying solely on the internet, as there is a lot of misinformation. The video offers concrete advice on how to have awkward conversations with trusted adults.

“Depression and Anxiety”
This video notes that feelings of hopelessness and sadness are normal, but if they are persisting longer than a week or two, that might be a sign of depression. It covers what to do if you feel this way, such as talk to a trusted adult. The video also defines anxiety disorders and its effects, suggesting talking to a trusted adult if you are dealing with anxiety.

“Sad and Happy: Feelings Happen”
This video includes a scenario of someone experiencing many emotions and defines the concept of mood swings. It reinforces the idea that mood swings are normal, defines hormones and the limbic system, and explains the process by which hormones affect your body. The video also includes the difference between mood swings and clinical depression and encourages you to talk to an adult if you are experiencing depression.

“Teen Angst”
This video defines the pituitary gland and explains the role of hormones in teen angst. It
defines teen angst as intense feelings of inner conflict and emphasizes it as a normal part of transitioning from childhood to adulthood. The video also says that if depression occurs, you should talk to an adult on how to manage it.

“What Is Social Anxiety?”
This video differentiates being shy, nervous, or anxious with social anxiety, which is when these feelings can be overwhelming to someone. It explains that these feelings of anxiety are more intense and can be paralyzing to some people. The video also encourages you to talk to a trained counselor to navigate how to best manage these feelings.

“What Is a Wet Dream? (Nocturnal Emission)
This video defines a “wet dream,” or nocturnal emission, and explains why wet dreams happen. It emphasizes that wet dreams are normal and not embarassing, you cannot control them, and the ejaculation is semen, not urine.

“What is a Wet Dream?”
This video provides an introduction to “wet dreams,” or nocturnal emissions, for both people with penises and people with vulvas. It also emphasizes that there is no guilt or embarrassment about having a wet dream – it’s normal if you do, normal if you don’t.

“How The Boner Grows”
This video goes through the concept of erections (or boners). It emphasizes the normalcy of getting multiple erections and getting erections even when you are not sexually aroused.

“Females and Masturbation”
This video defines masturbation and reinforces that people of all genders masturbate. It emphasizes the normalcy of masturbation as a physically safe way to express sexual feelings. The video also debunks myths of negative effects of masturbation and suggests that if masturbation is impacting normal daily routine that you should talk to a trusted adult.

“Masturbation: Totally Normal”
This video defines masturbation and emphasizes that it’s normal if you do it, normal if you don’t, and that it should always be done in private. It also debunks masturbation myths and suggests that if masturbation is impacting your normal daily routine, you should talk to a trusted adult. The video states that masturbation is a normal, safe way to relieve sexual feelings.

“Biological Male Anatomy”
This video goes over the external and internal parts of biological male anatomy. It also defines an erection, semen, scrotum, testicles, and pre-ejaculate fluid (pre-cum). The video explains the difference between a circumsized and uncircumsized penis, how urine and semen travel through the urethra, and the inner workings of ejaculation.

“Biological Female Anatomy”
This video goes over the external and internal parts of biological female anatomy. It also defines the vulva, urethra, vagina, and anus, specifying the difference between the vulva and the vagina. The video defines ovaries and briefly explains the internal process of menstruation.

“Boobs and More”
This video explains that the pituitary gland releases hormones as you transition into puberty. It includes the definition of hormones, breast buds, and periods. The video goes over the physical changes of puberty, such as breast development, pubic hair growth, changes in hygiene, and acne. It advises young people to keep yourself clean, eat healthy, and work off excess stress with exercise to navigate puberty.

“Menstruation: What To Expect”
This video defines menstruation and describes the biological process. It goes through the typical length of a period, light flow vs. heavy flow, and defines and lists the symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). The video mentions referring to periods in code such as “that time of the month.” It also goes over the reasons for menstrual cramps during period and ways to relieve the pain.

“Period Hygiene: Tampons, Pads and Menstrual Cups”
This video describes how to use tampons, pads, and menstrual cups during your period. It goes over how each item works, when to replace, and what inserting or applying each item entails, such as touching your vagina when inserting a menstrual cup.

“Menstruation Sensation”
This video gives an overview of menstruation, or getting your period. It includes the internal process of menstruation, defines the endometrium, and introduces pads, tampons, and menstrual cups as ways to manage the blood flow of menstruation. The video also explains cramps and gives suggestions on how to manage pain.

“All About Getting Your Period”
This video explains the process of menstruation, or getting your period. It defines the endometrium, the length of a menstrual cycle, pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. The video also lists some ways to relieve cramps.

“OH NO B.O. (Changing Bodies)”
This video uses a musical number to explain the concept of body odor (B.O). It also explains the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant and lists a few things you can do to prevent B.O. such as shower/bathe every day, wash and change clothes often, or use deodorant/antiperspirant.

“The Jimmy Pimple Show – All About Male Puberty”
This video lists 10 signs of male puberty, including hair growing in new places, body sweat starting to smell, genitals growing, spontaneous erections, wet dreams, masturbation, growing “man boobs,” and acne.

“Top Signs Boys are in Puberty”
This video goes through the physical, emotional, and social changes of puberty. It lists the most noticeable physical and emotional changes for boys. The video defines semen, erections, wet dreams, testosterone and masturbation, while explaining the purpose of puberty.

“Top Signs Girls are in Puberty”
This video goes through the physical, emotional, and social changes of puberty. It lists the most noticeable physical and emotional changes for girls, including growing taller, widening hips, developing breasts, public and underarm hair, acne, and menstruation.

This video provides the historical context of virginity as well as people’s different definitions for virginity. It clarifies that some people might consider themselves virgins if they have not had vaginal sex but have engaged in other types of sexual activity, while some people can only engages in certain types of sexual behaviors, so they might have a different definition. The video defines the hymen and dispels the myth of a broken hymen determining someone with a vagina’s virginity. It also defines abstinence, lists the reasons why someone might remain abstinent, and emphasizes that having or not having sex does not make someone a good or bad person.

“Bodies: Different Shapes and Sizes. All Beautiful!”
This short video emphasizes that there are a range of different body types, skin color, and physical abilities. Instead of comparing yourself to others, you should focus on the positives about yourself.

“Disability and Sexuality”
This video on disability and sexuality states that people with disabilities have the same sexual and romantic feelings as anyone else, including a range of sexual orientations. It also reinforces the idea that people with disabilities want the same healthy relationships as anyone else, and they often have similar questions about relationships and their bodies. The video also goes over issues that people with disabilities are more likely to face, like overprotective parents, friends misunderstanding their disability, and trouble expressing feelings and consent verbally.

Sexual Orientation

“Love Is Love: Free to Be Me”
This video emphasizes that you can feel free to be attracted to whoever you want to, encouraging young people to tell their friends or loved ones if they are struggling with keeping their sexual orientation a secret. It also lists different sexual orientations and includes the definition of bisexuality.

“What Is Sexual Orientation?”
This video features a deep dive into the lesser-known labels of sexual orientation. It begins by defining sexual orientation, mentions the labels of heterosexual, gay, and bisexual, and then further defines pansexual, asexual (or ace), and demisexual.

“Talking Sexual Orientation with Jane”
This video defines sexual orientation as who you are attracted to physically and romantically. It also defines lesbian, homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual. It normalizes being unsure of who you are attracted to during adolescence.

“Coming Out LGBTQ+”
This video defines “coming out” and emphasizes that you get to make the choice of when and who you come out to, suggesting to make a plan for what to do if coming out does not go well, especially with your parents. The video also normalizes using different words to describe your sexual orientation at different times in your life.

“How To Be A LGBTQIA+ Ally”
This video details how to support your LGBTQIA+ friends and loved ones – also known as being an ally. It suggests letting your LGBTQIA+ friends know that you’re there if they need to talk, standing up for someone if they are being bullied due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, and getting involved in LGBTQIA+ organizations or causes, such as a GSA.

Gender Identity

“Range of Gender Identities”
This gender identity video explains the difference between sex assigned at birth from gender identity. It includes definitions of gender identity, transgender, non-binary, and genderqueer/genderfluid. The video also explains the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. It covers how to respect people’s gender identities by not making any assumptions about gender, use someone’s preferred name and pronouns, and be a friend and ally to people of all gender identities.

“Expressing Myself. My Way.”
his video goes over multiple concepts related to gender identity and gender expression and how those concepts relate to each other. It includes definitions for gender expression, gender roles, sex and how it differs from gender identity, cisgender, transgender, and gender-fluid. It emphasizes that it’s okay to express your gender however you choose, and that everyone deserves respect and support.

“Being Female, Male, Transgender or Fluid”
his video defines gender expression and clarifies that gender expression does not necessarily indicate who someone is attracted to or which gender they are. It also defines gender identity, cisgender, transgender, and gender fluid, gender queer, and gender non-conforming.

“My Friend Is Transgender”
This video defines transgender, which means that someone’s body does not match their gender identity. It clarifies that gender identity is not determined by genitals and defines the concepts of cisgender and gender identity. The video acknowledges that it can be scary to tell people that you are transgender if you don’t know how they’ll react and encourages acceptance of people who are transgender, even when you don’t understand.

“Puberty and Transgender Youth”
This video defines the concept of being transgender and encourages talking to a parent, doctor, or therapist about feelings of anxiety or confusion about gender. It also defines puberty blockers and explains the role of an endocrinologist in prescribing puberty blockers. The video explains that puberty blockers are temporary, so if you stop using puberty blockers the physical changes of puberty will begin.

“Gender Identity: Gender Roles and Stereotypes”
This video focuses on gender role stereotypes, touching on the history of traditional gender roles for people born male or female. It goes over how gender role stereotypes affect ideas of beauty and how boys and girls can act according to these stereotypes. The video also explains how gender roles affect how people display emotions. Finally, it explains how expectations of gender roles have changed over time – now, more and more people are able to be true to who they are.

Personal Safety

“Teasing: Not Just Harmless Fun”
This video clarifies when teasing can cross the line into bullying or harassment, such as when one person is singled out, the teasing keeps going on after the person says to stop, if it’s based on something out of the person’s control like race, gender, or sexual orientation, or if it involves touching someone without their consent. It also broadens the definition of consent to asking permission before touching someone’s hair or clothes or giving them a hug. The video goes over what to do if you or a friend is being harassed.

“What Is Bullying?”
This video defines bullying and differentiates the types of bullying – active bullying (physical or verbal), passive bullying (making someone feel inferior or excluded), and cyber bullying (sending mean messages via text, email, or social media). The video goes over what to do if someone is bullying you or if you witness bullying, including saving the evidence of cyber bullying. It also includes how to support someone being bullied.

“Anti-Bullying Squad”
This video defines bullying as well as the different types of bullying (physical, verbal, cyber). It also emphasizes that anyone can exhibit bullying behavior – bullies want to feel powerful, in control, and are generally unhappy. The video encourages young people to support those being bullied or tell a trusted adult.

“What Is Sexual Harassment?”
This sexual harassment video includes a definition of sexual harassment as well as examples of verbal and physical harassment, sharing or receiving sexual pictures, and starting sexual rumors about someone. It covers what to do if you are being sexually harassed, such as telling the harasser to stop, telling a trusted adult, and keeping a record of the harassment.

“Sex Trafficking: What Is It?”
This video has a trigger warning for sensitive content of sexual exploitation and trafficking. The video recognizes that information might feel overwhelming and difficult to process, but it is important to remember that it could be happening to someone you know and to focus on supporting survivors. It includes a definition of sex trafficking and grooming, as well as examples of how traffickers might lie, manipulate, and threaten victims. The video emphasizes that sex trafficking is always illegal and never the victim’s fault, and it might be more common than you think. It encourages young people to identify trusted adults to talk to if a situation arises in their lives, and to keep an eye out for injuries that don’t make sense, absences from school, keeping to themselves, or seeming tired. People could show these signs for other reasons and individual reactions to trafficking look different – check in with people just in case.

“What Should You Do If You’ve Had Unprotected Sex?”
This video outlines the possible consequences of unprotected sex, reasons why some people might have unprotected sex, and what you can do if you’ve had unprotected sex, such as use emergency contraception, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, and taking a pregnancy test. The video also goes over what to do if you take a pregnancy test and it’s positive or negative, suggesting going to a family planning clinic to figure out next steps. It also emphasizes that you should use a condom during penile vaginal sex to safely prevent against both pregnancy and STIs.

“Wise on the Web”
This video emphasizes that while there are dangers on the Internet, it’s also a great place to do schoolwork, share art, and have meaningful conversations – you just need to know how to navigate it safely. If you are in trouble, go to a trusted adult to help you find resources to report the incident and block the harasser. The video also touches on the risks of sharing private photos online.

“Being Safe on the Internet”
This video includes tips on internet safety, advising young people to think carefully before they share pictures and videos on the Internet. It goes over what to do if someone you met on the Internet makes you uncomfortable – stop communication immediately and tell a trusted adult. The video advises young people not to meet someone they only met online in person, but if they do, meet in a public place and bring a friend. The video also includes a definition of cyberbullying and what to do if you are experiencing cyberbullying. Finally, the video suggests that you check privacy settings and never share passwords.

This video features a scenario of sending nude photos via text, or sexting. It covers the potential consequences of sending nude photos, such as the photos being shared with others or posted on the Internet. It also covers the legal consequences of having nude photos – in some states, it is considered child pornography or sexual harrassment. The video emphasizes that while feeling attracted to someone is totally normal, there are more respectful ways to show someone you like them.

“Porn: Fact or Fiction?”
This video outlines some of the problematic elements of pornography, such as misleading messages around bigger breasts and penises as well as the duration of sex. Porn can also show women only existing to give men pleasure, might make it seem like being sexual with someone has nothing to do with having an intimate, trusting relationship with them, and could contain violent or disturbing images. The video also clarifies that being curious about watching people engage in sexual behaviors is normal, but to just be aware of some of these misleading messages. It encourages you to talk to a trusted adult if you see content that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Healthy Relationships

This video defines sexual consent and clarifies that just because someone agrees to one kind of behavior, doesn’t mean they want to engage in another. Everyone has the right to change their mind at any time, so you must always stop and respect the person’s wishes. It also clarifies that just because someone doesn’t say no, doesn’t mean they have given consent, and that the use of drugs and alcohol means that the person cannot give consent. The video also defines sexual assault and rape and emphasizes that if that is something youu experienced, it’s never your fault and you should consider talking to a trusted adult.

“Saying Yes or No: What Is Consent?”
This video features an example of a young person whose partner is pressuring them for sexual activity. It includes definitions of consent and coercion and clarifies that if drugs or alcohol are involved, consent cannot be given.The video also defines laws of consent and explains that the laws differ state-by-state. It also broadens the definition of sexual contact to include kissing, hugging, touching. The video emphasizes that you can change your mind about sexual contact at any time for any reason, and that talking to a trusted adult could help.

“Consent and Communication”
This video on consent and communication includes the definition of consent, including that the absence of “no” does not imply consent – verbal agreement is needed. It outlines what to do if someone touches you against your will, including telling the person to stop and/or telling a trusted adult. The video reinforces that you are not to blame if someone touches you without your permission.

“Maybe Doesn’t Mean Yes”
his video features a song about consent, giving examples of situations where consent might be ambiguous. Situations include needing to ask someone something but they are asleep or unaware, wanting to do something but the person is not there to ask and last time they said yes, and being with the person but they are not saying anything. All of these situations are not consent.

“Friends Forever?”
This video includes a scenario of friends drifting apart. It highlights that sometimes friends fight, are interested in other things, or grow apart, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to be together or they won’t find other friends.

“How To Deal With Rejection”
This video begins with different examples of rejection and reinforces the idea that rejection is just one person’s opinion – it doesn’t mean that you are not good enough. The video also discusses how to deal with rejection, beginning with accepting the person’s opinion rather than trying to convince them otherwise. It encourages young people to acknowledge feelings of sadness and hurt, take time to process feelings, and talk to someone you trust to help work through them. Finally, the video states that it is important to remember that just because you were rejected once, that doesn’t mean you will always be rejected.

“Dealing With Rejection: What’s the Best Way?”
This video states that every risk comes with a chance of rejection and emphasizes that while rejection can hurt, it’s a normal part of life. It highlights the best ways to deal with rejection, including accepting the decision of the person who rejects you, focusing on you instead of blaming yourself, taking a breath and talking to someone if you’re feeling angry or sad, thinking about your great qualities, and hanging out with friends.

“Rejection: It Happens To Everyone”
This video includes a definition for rejection and lists the feelings that can come with it, such as sadness, anger, disappointment, and insecurity. It reinforces the idea that even if you are rejected, there’s nothing wrong with you or the person doing the rejecting.The video also states that rejection doesn’t mean you should stop doing the things you want to do and gives examples like not making the basketball team, friends not reacting well to a social media post, or asking someone out. Finally, the video explains how to deal with rejection: accept the rejection and acknowledge your feelings, talk to a trusted friend or adult if you are really feeling upset, and remember that these feelings are normal and won’t last forever.

“Fighting Fair”
This video goes through the steps to conflict resolution, emphasizing that conflict resolution requires practice and effort from everyone involved. Steps to conflict resolution include:

  • Determining what the disagreement is actually about
  • Explaining how you feel and how the conflict is affecting you
  • Listening to what the other person needs and trying to understand their point of view
  • Brainstorming solutions that will make both people happy
  • Sticking to what was decided, and If solution isn’t working, coming up with a new one

“How To Be A Good Listener”
This video offers tips on how to be a good listener. It advises young people to pay attention when someone is talking to them rather than being distracted by their phone or things around them or thinking about what they’re going to say next. The video also states to not judge what someone tells you, show empathy, and don’t offer solutions to a problem unless asked. Other listening tips include asking questions (but not interrupting) and being responsive by nodding your head and reflecting back what someone says.

“Active Listening: How To Communicate Effectively”
This video outlines proper active listening techniques such as eye contact, nodding, giving someone your undivided attention, asking questions, and making acknowledging statements. It also shows examples of good active listening, while offering suggestions for improvement such as restating the original concern or asking a clarifying question. The video also defines assertive communication and differentiates it from passive communication or aggressive communication.

“I Got a Friend | Peer Pressure”
This video features examples of different instances of peer pressure, such as when friends are stealing, smoking, and being intimate with a partner and they pressure you to do the same. It includes a definition of “peer” and “peer pressure” and emphasizes that decisions should be based on what you want, not your peers.

“First Kiss and Showing Affection”
This video offers suggestions to a young person unsure if they are ready for their first kiss with a partner. It encourages you to ask yourself if you trust and feel comfortable with this person, confirm if you have their consent, and ask yourself why you want to do something physical with them to ensure you are not feeling pressured into affection. The video also encourages young people to think through what types of affection you’re comfortable with and discussing everything with your partner. It also emphasizes that it’s never okay to pressure anyone into kissing or any other behavior, and that it can be helpful to talk to a friend, sibling, or trusted adult.

“How to Talk to Girls, Boys and Everyone in Between”
This video defines different communication styles, including passive, aggressive, and assertive. It also explains the disadvantages of passive communication, such as feeling like you’re being taken advantage of, and aggressive communication, such as getting your way but being disliked. The video emphasizes that assertive communication is the best style, as it involves communicating in a way that respects other people’s needs as well as your own.

“Is It Love?”
This video defines romantic love and lists the ways people can show their love for someone, including hugging, kissing, doing nice things for them, telling them you love them. It also separates romantic love with sex and provides some physical signs of love such as sweaty palms, butterflies in your stomach, quickening pulse, and feeling nervous and/or excited. The video also gives examples of what happens when feelings of love are not mutual, or if a relationship is unhealthy.

“Will I Be Ready? When Should I Have Sex?”
This video features multiple young people deciding whether or not they are ready to have sex. It emphasizes that everyone is ready at their own pace and not to compare yourself to others. The video also covers some myths about STDs and pregnancy – such as not being able to get pregnant the first time you have sex or not getting STDs from oral sex. The characters in the video advise to wear a condom for protection against pregnancy or STDs, to only wear one condom during intercourse, and to make sure you and your partner have been tested for STDs. The video also clarifies that birth control only prevents pregnancy, not STDs.

“Finding An Adult You Can Trust”
This video encourages young people to find an adult that they’re able to talk to about navigating situations that may arise during adolescence. Some young people may find it helpful to talk to a relative, but others prefer to talk to a teacher, coach, or friend’s parent. The video acknowledges that some adults aren’t good listeners, don’t always believe young people, or tell young people what to think. The video advises young people to find an adult that respects them enough to listen without judgment and to test out whether an adult would be a good fit to talk to, such as if the young person has heard them give good advice to others.

“Conversations to Have with an Adult: Puberty, Emotions and more!”
This video emphasizes the importance of young people having adults in their lives who can help them work through the challenges of growing up. It offers suggestions on how to have a conversation with an adult, such as figuring out what you want to say before you talk to an adult by writing it down or mentally preparing, making a list of people in your life that make you feel safe and listen to you, and being open and honest, even if it’s a little awkward. The video also clarifies that you can have different adults you talk to, since people have various insights to share.

“Different Kinds of Families”
This video features definitions and examples of different kinds of families. It begins by defining the concept of family and the primary role to love and take care of each other, also stating that there is no right or wrong way a family should look. The video also defines a nuclear family, families with gay or lesbian parents, single parent families, extended families, blended families, families without children, adopted families, and foster parents. It emphasizes that families can be diverse, meaning parents or children can have different ethnicities or religious beliefs. It also defines chosen families, or families that are made up of friends and other supportive people rather than blood relatives.

“What is Intersectionality?”
This video defines intersectionality and explains how the intersection of identities affects how people experience privilege (advantages) or oppression (disadvantages). It features several examples of intersecting identities, including one regarding discrimination based on gender. The video encourages young people to use their priviledge to speak out against discrimination by standing up to people being bullied and making space for those who have less priviledge.

“Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships”
This video outlines tips for healthy friendships and relationships. These tips include:

  • Each person supports and encourages each other
  • Real friends want to know what you’re thinking and are interested in what you have to say
  • It’s okay to have disagreements, but do so respectfully and talk openly with each other
  • You will probably need to compromise, but the same person should not be the only one who compromises
  • Treat your relationships with care
  • Healthy relationships should make you feel good about yourself and who you are

“What Makes Relationships Healthy?”
This video details the three tenants of a healthy relationship: respect, equity, and communication. It goes over what it means to have a respectful relationship – each person is valued for who they are, and each can express yourself or say no to something they disagree with. The video also goes over what it means to have a lack of respect in a relationship, such as someone pressuring you to do something you don’t want to do. The video describes equity as both people being treated as equal partners and cooperating and compromising in a balanced way, while a lack of equity means someone is trying to control their partner or relationship. A relationship based in communication means that both people can say what they mean and mean what they say, discuss disagreements openly, and are willing to apologize. An unhealthy relationship might mean that disagreements are met with silence or pressure.

“Intimate Partner Violence”
This video defines “intimate partner” and “intimate partner violence,” as well as types of intimate partner violence such as physical abuse, emotional abuse, and financial abuse. It also defines and gives examples of stalking/harassment and sexual abuse. The video covers where to seek help if you are experiencing intimate partner violence, such as a school counselor, social worker, or trusted adult. It also provides the National Domestic Violence hotline website and phone number.

“The ABCs of STDs”
This video explains that STDs are more common than you think and that STDs are spread from oral, anal, vaginal sex, or from genital to genital contact. It also emphasizes that getting tested is the only sure way to know if you have an STD and suggests that both you and your partner should get tested. The video states that it is easy to get tested for STDs – the tests can involve peeing in a cup or swabbing gums, and the results are always private. It also states the importance of using a condom or latex barrier every time you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex, and that the more partners you have, the more chances you have of getting STD.

“What are STDs? #FactCheck”
This video defines sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and describes how they can be spread. It also states that some STDs are fairly common, some STDs can be cured and others cannot, but symptoms can be managed through medication. The video describes common symptoms of STDs (although not all STDs cause symptoms) and emphasizes getting tested if you experience these symptoms or if you have unprotected sex. It then lists the different tests (blood, urine, saliva or discharge swab), where to get tested (health care provider, family planning clinic, STD clinic), and that you should get tested at least once a year even if you are having protected sex, as some STDs can cause serious health problems later in life if left untreated. Finally, the video emphasizes using condoms and latex barriers to prevent STDs and getting tested regularly.

“What Is HPV? (Human Papillomavirus)”
This video defines Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted disease that often does not show symptoms, and describes how HPV is transmitted. It states that many types of HPV and most will go away on their own within two years, but In some cases, HPV can cause genital warts, and a few specific types of HPV can increase someone’s risk for cancer.The video also describes the HPV vaccine, which is safe and effective and can protect against almost 100% of types of HPV. The HPV vaccine is most effective if given before someone has sex, but if you’ve already had sex, the vaccine can still be very effective. The video suggests asking your parents or guardian if you’re not sure if you’ve gotten the vaccine, and that it’s still a good idea to use condoms even if you’ve gotten the vaccine to protect against pregnancy and other STDs.

“What Is HIV?”
This video defines Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and its effect on the body’s immune system. It also dispels common myths regarding HIV, such as “you can tell by looking at someone whether they have HIV,” “you can get HIV through casual contact with someone who has HIV,” and “birth control can prevent HIV.” The video also goes over the ways HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids (sex, sharing needles, being breastfed by someone with HIV) and states that pregnant women with HIV need proper treatment to ensure their baby is not born with HIV. The video also mentions products that can prevent someone from getting HIV, such as condoms and PrEP medication. The video closes by emphasizing the importance of getting tested regularly for HIV and other STDs.

“HIV: How to Protect Yourself and Others”
This video defines Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency virus) and explains the way HIV can weaken the body’s immune system to make a person vulnerable to other infections. It clarifies that HIV can only be spread through contact with bodily fluids, not casual contact. The video states that HIV is usually transmitted through sex, sharing needles, or from mother to child through breastmilk. It also goes over ways to protect yourself against HIV, including waiting to have anal, oral, or vaginal sex (or using condoms every time) and not injecting drugs. The video emphasizes getting tested regularly for HIV and other STDs, either at your doctor’s office, a family planning clinic, or using an at-home test. The video states that while there is no cure for HIV, there are drugs that help people with HIV live healthy lives, and a drug called PrEP that can help prevent HIV.

“Living With HIV”
This video defines Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and explains that HIV can weaken the body’s immune system. It goes over the different ways that HIV can be transmitted through bodily fluids (sex, needles, breastfeeding) or if someone who has HIV gives birth. The video also details the variety of feelings someone can experience when they are diagnosed with HIV and validates all reactions as normal. The video explains that while there is no cure for HIV, there are ways to take care of yourself so you can live a long healthy life with HIV. It also defines Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) as the medicine used to treat HIV. The video explains that there are laws and policies in place that ensure people living with HIV can participate in school activities, and people with HIV can still have sexual relationships as long as they take their medication and use condoms. The video also defines PrEP, a medication that can prevent HIV transmission for those at high risk. Finally, the video suggests that disclosing to others might help people living with HIV feel less alone, but should happen only when they are ready. Talking to a trusted adult if you have questions can help as well.

“Condoms: How To Use Them Effectively”
This video describes condoms as an effective method to prevent pregnancy and STDs. It also provides tips on how to use condoms effectively, such as making sure the condom is not expired, how to put on a condom, use each condom only once, and how to dispose of the condom. The video also mentions the variety of sizes and colors of condoms, including condoms that come lubricated, and advises folks not to use vaseline or other oil-based lubricants, as that can break down the condom. It also mentions where condoms can be purchased and that there is no age limitation on purchasing condoms.

Pregnancy & Reproduction

“Where Do Babies Come From?”
This video describes the process by which sperm and eggs come together to create a baby. It goes over the menstrual cycle and how sperm travels through semen. The video also describes how sperm gets into the vagina through sexual intercourse and defines contraception (when you want to stop sperm from reaching the egg because you do not want to get pregnant). It also mentions other methods of getting pregnant other than sexual intercourse. The video defines a zygote and describes how if the zygote does not find a good nesting place, it passes out of the body during period. If does find a nesting place, this is when pregnancy begins. Finally, the video defines trimesters, womb, and when a fetus is considered full term. It explains that birth can happen through a vagina or through cesarean section (c-section).

“Pregnancy and Reproduction Explained”
This video breaks down the process of reproduction by explaining that if a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of a uterus, pregnancy has begun. It explains that typically sperm combines with an egg through vaginal sex, and semen is ejaculated and carries the sperm through the cervix and the uterus and into the fallopian tubes, where it meets the egg and implants on the uteran wall. The video also defines artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. It also clarifies that pregnancy and childbirth are just one way a family can be formed – some people choose to adopt or not to have kids.

“Birth Control Basics: Condoms, The Pill & Patch”
This video breaks down different short-term methods of contraception. It describes condoms and explains where to get them, that there are no age restrictions or prescription needed and that condoms are the only form of birth control that also lowers your risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The video also explains how to use a condom and to only use one condom for one act of sex. The video defines “The Pill” and explains that you can get The Pill through a prescription from your provider or a family planning clinic, and you should take it at the same time each day to prevent pregnancy. It also defines “the patch” and explains that you can get it through prescription and to change it once a week. Finally, the video emphasizes that you should use a condom and another form of birth control to effectively prevent pregnancy.

“Birth Control: The Final Frontier”
This video goes over the various ways to prevent pregnancy and STDs. It begins by stating the risk of pregnancy if one partner has a uterus and the other makes sperm, as well as the risk of spreading STDs if two people have sex and one person already has an STD. The video explains that some STDs can be cured, others need to be managed for life, and that using condoms can prevent both pregnancy and STDs. It also explains how “The Pill” can provide protection against pregnancy, but not STDs. The video also goes over Long Acting Reversible Contraception such as Depo Provera (“the shot”), intrauterine device, and the implant. It explains that you can get these methods from a doctor or a family planning clinic, and all are very effective in preventing pregnancy, but do not protect against STDs. The video suggests combining condoms with another method to more effectively prevent against pregnancy and STDs. It also defines abstinence as the only 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy and STDs and suggests talking to a caring adult, healthcare provider, or counselor.

“The Contraceptinator”
This video goes over different options for contraception. It defines abstinence and states that the best way to not start a pregnancy is to not have sex. If you do choose to have sex, use a condom, as it is the only form of birth control that protects against both pregnancy and STDs. The video also features a demonstration on how to put on and remove/dispose of a condom. The video defines sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well as other forms of birth control such as the pill, the patch, the shot, the ring and advises you to ask your healthcare provider or go to a clinic like Planned Parenthood to access. For even more protection, use the pill or the patch in addition to a condom.

“Long-Acting Contraception Explained”
This video goes over the various Long Acting Reversible Contraception methods. It begins by defining contraception and Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC), then lists the different options for longer-lasting birth control. It explains Depo Provera ( or “the shot”), the implant (Nexplanon), and intrauterine device (IUD), including how each method works to prevent pregnancy and how to insert and remove each. The video states that while each LARC method is more than 99% effective against unwanted pregnancy, none provide protection against STDs, so it is important to also use a condom during sex.