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Being Me
Being Me
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Being Me

Learn more about embracing your unique self and know that self-confidence is your greatest superpower. The most important thing that you can do is be yourself!

Being Me

Growing up has its ups and downs! It’s important to remember that being yourself is the most important thing that you can do for yourself! Learn more about embracing your unique self.

Self Confidence

Know that self-confidence is your greatest superpower.


Puberty is an exciting and sometimes challenging time. It’s totally normal to feel a bit unsure about yourself during this period. Remember, everyone experiences these changes differently, and that’s perfectly okay. The key to navigating this phase is building self-confidence and being true to yourself.
Self-confidence is about believing in your abilities and valuing who you are. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about appreciating your uniqueness. When you trust yourself and your decisions, it makes it easier to face new situations and challenges.
Being yourself means embracing what makes you, well, you! It’s about liking your quirks, interests, and even the things that make you different from your friends. Don’t be afraid to show your true colors, because these are the things that make you special.


Puberty is an exciting and sometimes challenging time for teens. It’s completely normal for them to feel a bit unsure about themselves during this period. Remember, everyone experiences these changes differently, and that’s perfectly okay. The key to navigating this phase successfully is helping your teen build self-confidence and encouraging them to be true to themselves.
Self-confidence is about believing in their abilities and valuing who they are. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about appreciating their uniqueness. When teens trust themselves and their decisions, it makes it easier for them to face new situations and challenges.

Encouraging your teen to be themselves means helping them embrace what makes them unique. It’s about supporting their quirks, interests, and the things that make them different from their friends. Help them understand that they shouldn’t be afraid to show their true colors, because these are the things that make them special.

Ask your young person:
  • What are some things you think you’re really good at? How do those strengths make you feel?
  • What are some things you do that make you feel proud of yourself?
  • How do you usually respond to compliments? What’s the best compliment you’ve received?
  • What are some positive things you say to yourself to boost your confidence?
  • How do you feel when meeting new people or trying new things? What helps you feel more confident in those moments?
  • What advice would you give to a friend who’s feeling unsure about themselves?
  • How do you feel about the way you look? What are some things you like about your appearance?
  • Do you ever compare yourself to others? How do you remind yourself that everyone is unique?


Puberty is an exciting and sometimes challenging time for students. It’s completely normal for them to feel a bit unsure about themselves during this period. Remember, everyone experiences these changes differently, and that’s perfectly okay. The key to helping students navigate this phase is to foster self-confidence and encourage them to be true to themselves.

Self-confidence is about believing in their abilities and valuing who they are. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about appreciating their uniqueness. When students trust themselves and their decisions, it makes it easier for them to face new situations and challenges.

Encouraging students to be themselves means helping them embrace what makes them unique. It’s about supporting their quirks, interests, and the things that make them different from their peers. Help them understand that they shouldn’t be afraid to show their true colors, because these are the things that make them special.

Discussion Questions

After watching the video with your class, process it using the following discussion questions:
  1. How do you think social media affects a person’s self-confidence? Can you share an example?
  2. Have you ever encountered negativity or criticism on social media? How did it affect your confidence, and how did you handle it?
  3. How do you feel when a post doesn’t get as much attention as you expected? What do you tell yourself in those moments?
  4. How do your online interactions compare to your real-life interactions in terms of affecting your self-confidence?
  5. How does seeing your friends’ posts influence your self-confidence? Do you ever feel pressure to present yourself a certain way?
  6. What advice would you give to someone who feels their self-confidence is being negatively affected by social media?
  7. Who can you talk to when you are struggling with self-confidence?