Gender Roles and Stereotypes (Asia Region)
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This video focuses on gender role stereotypes and some of the gender roles traditionally expected of boys and girls. It goes over how gender role stereotypes affect ideas of beauty and how boys and girls should act. The video also explains how gender roles affect how people display emotions. Finally, it explains how expectations of gender roles have changed over time – now, more and more people can be true to who they are.
Please click the link below for a lesson plan for teachers to accompany this video.
This lesson plan is one of 9 individual, scripted lesson plans available to support in-school or out-of-school delivery of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in Southeast Asia. The scripted lesson plans are designed to incorporate AMAZE educational videos that address the lesson plan topics and can be used to supplement existing lesson plans or resources that you may already be using to deliver CSE.
Lesson Plans
International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education
The Social Construction of Gender and Gender Norms
The Social Construction of Gender and Gender Norms
Body Image