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Accessing Sexual Health Care for Minors (Asia Region)
Accessing Sexual Health Care for Minors (Asia Region)
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Accessing Sexual Health Care for Minors (Asia Region)

This video explains how adolescents can access sexual health care and the different types of services that may be available to them. Also discussed is where youth can obtain sexual health, such as at a school-based health center, community-based health center, or hospital. Importantly, this video addresses a young person’s right to confidentiality and provides examples of the questions a person may want to ask their physician regarding the confidentiality of their care and treatment.


Please click the link below for a lesson plan for teachers to accompany this video.

This lesson plan is one of 9 individual, scripted lesson plans available to support in-school or out-of-school delivery of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in Southeast Asia. The scripted lesson plans are designed to incorporate AMAZE educational videos that address the lesson plan topics and can be used to supplement existing lesson plans or resources that you may already be using to deliver CSE.

International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education

5.5, ages 12-15

Finding Help and Support

View videos for 5.5 (ages 12-15)

8.3, ages 12-15

Understanding, Recognizing and Reducing the Risk of STIs, including HIV

View videos for 8.3 (ages 12-15)