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My Amaze

With a My Amaze account you can:

  • 1. Register and create your own password-protected AMAZE experience.
  • 2. Create your own video playlist and share it. For example, if you’re a parent you will be able to share specific videos or groups of videos with your children. The list would be on a protected page for them to view which does not have links to the rest of our AMAZE website.
  • 3. If you’re an educator, you will be able to select and save videos, create unique playlists to integrate into lessons and share links to selected videos/playlists with students.
  • 4. After registration, you will be able to come back anytime and log-in to view your personalized page, know whether each video has been watched, edit it, share content and add new content.

Future Feature: We are also building additional functionalities that will allow users to choose videos to download on their device and play them even when they don’t have access to the internet.


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