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School lesson plans that make use of AMAZE videos


Grade 4, Lesson 1: Making Sense of Puberty
Grade 4, Lesson 2: Figuring out Friendships
Grade 4, Lesson 4: Taking a Stand Against Bullying
Grade 5, Lesson 2: Puberty and Reproduction (zip)
Grade 5, Lesson 4: What is Love Anyway?
Grade 5: So, THAT’S How Babies Are Made!
Grade 6, Lesson 2: Gender Roles, Gender Expectations
Grade 6, Lesson 3: Understanding Boundaries
Grade 7, Lesson 1: Everybody’s Got Body Parts
Grade 7, Lesson 2: Everybody’s Got Body Parts
Grade 7, Lesson 5: Protecting your Health
Grade 7, Lesson 11: Being Smart, Staying Safe online
Grade 7: Trafficking
Grade 7: Harassment Prevention - The Basics
Grade 8, Lesson 3: Healthy or Unhealthy Relationships
Grade 8, Lesson 7: Warning Signs
Grade 8, Lesson 8: Birth Control Basics
Grade 8, Lesson 9: Using Condoms Effectively
Grade 8, Lesson 10: STD Basics
Grade 8: Pregnancy Basics
Middle School: Consent It Goes With Everything
Grade 9, Lesson 5: Understanding Gender (zip)
Grade 9, Lesson 7: Sexual Decision Making
High School: Consent, Sexting & the Law
High School: Healthy Living: Prevention and Treatment