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AMAZE Gone Global: How an Educator in China Utilizes AMAZE
AMAZE Gone Global: How an Educator in China Utilizes AMAZE
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AMAZE Gone Global: How an Educator in China Utilizes AMAZE

Dapeng Jiang is a teacher who holds a university degree in Chinese language. He worked as a Chinese teacher in a rural school from 1994 to 2002, and then joined a district-level Teaching and Research Centre as a teacher-research of family education and adolescent education. He then became a national certified psychological counsellor (level 3), and a sexuality educator. Since 2018, Dapeng has delivered CSE to 20,000 students in local schools and communities. He also works as a volunteer in a local social work centre serving adolescents. Recently, Dapeng attended the sexuality educator training provided by You&Me, during which he received the “excellent educator” award. You&Me works with UNESCO Beijing and AMAZE to adapt and integrate videos into teacher training and make them available to adolescents through social media.